A place for art, romance, visual, auditory, and culinary pleasure. If you love aesthetics, Kevin's Art is for you!
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Star Trek android "Andrea" played by Sherry Jackson from the episode "What Are Little Girls Made Of?"

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Just a silly little "tribute" to 90's animation...


A little fun with animation. I made this for @DaveRubin in honor of his newly published book: "Don't Burn This Book" which, sadly, received a number of negative attention from trolls. Unsurprisingly, almost none of the negative reviews came from verified purchases. But, that's what haters do. They would rather destroy than build because they lack the ambition, the discipline, and the courage to create something worthwhile.


I quit Twitter today, and it feels great!

My sister in law is obsessed with Prince, so I made this for her birthday.

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A wax sculpture of Archimedes. About 3 inches tall.

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